Number guessing game
In this video, I guide you step-by-step on how to create a fun and entertaining Number Guessing game in Python! The code is below. Hope you like it!
import random # Importing libraries
number = random.randint(1, 10) # Make a variable that stores the computer's random chosen number
guesses = 0 # Set a variable that keeps track of how many guesses you have left
print("I am guessing a number between 1 and 10...") # Let the user know that they can start guessing the computer's number
while guesses < 5: # A while loop that counts how many guesses you have
guess = int(input("Guess! ")) # The user's guessed number is stored in the variable "guess"
guesses += 1 # 1 guess is gone, 4 guesses left
if guess < number:
print("Your guess is lower than my number") # Tell the user the number they picked was lower than the computer's number
if guess > number:
print("Your guess is higher than the my number") # Tell the user the number they picked was higher than the computer's number
if guess > 10 or guess < 1:
print("Please choose numbers in between 1 and 10") # Tell the user that they picked an invalid number out of the range 1-10
if guess == number:
break # Break the main game loop if the user correctly guesses the computer's number
if guess == number:
print(f"You guessed the number in {str(guesses)} tries!") # Tell the user that they guessed the computer's number in however many tries
print(f"You didn't guess the number, the number was {str(number)}.") # Tell the user that they did not guess the number in 5 tries